3 Witchy Ingredients For Your Next Brew

3 Witchy Ingredients For Your Next Brew

Coffee is one of my favorites parts of every morning. The best part about coffee is the ability to switch it up from time to time in order to create a new favorite beverage, but still giving you the kick you need in the AM. Below is a list of a few not so common items that we love to put in our brews once in a blue moon. When the time is right, give them a shot! 

1. Cinnamon - This one is a favorite because it's low in calories and sugar, but the spice is there. Adding a pinch in your cup is a ritual waiting to happen

2. Extracts - Adding in a vanilla or hazelnut extract to your morning brew eliminated those delicious, yet artificial flavors. Natural extracts will give you those same yummy flavors, but taking you away from the manmade ingredients. This dark roast, spiced bean will work perfect with any sweet natural extract.

3. Mint - Mint Chocolate is a favorite flavor of any kind, so adding in a mint leaf or two into your mochas will change the scent and taste tremendously. Give it a try for when you need a little bit more energy. 

Find your favorite witchy ingredient and let us know why you love it! Tag us on Instagram @woodlandbrewcoffee. 

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